Office of Ministerial Training Report
We have exciting news to report from this Office. We are creating the CoIC Minister Training Academy not only for the education of our ordination applicants and continued education for our current ministers but our courses are being offered to other churches to help them in the training of their ministers. While we are working on writing some new manuals and handbooks ourselves we are also searching for existing books we can develop study guides and tests for and use as well. Below are the current plans for the CoIC Minister Training Academy. We have created special Course Completion Certificates to use as well.
Overall View of Ministerial Training
To enter ministerial training one must first be a member of the church, submit a photo ID and a background check obtained from their local officials. There is no minimum or maximum time requirement to complete the course requirements for any level of training. Each training course, determined by the manual being presented, will include simple tests after which passed a certificate of completion will be issued. New ordination applicants who enroll in a course of study are asked to donate $50* per level of training. Any Minister already ordained by CoIC will also be able to take other courses for continuing education purposes. The average donation requested for most individual courses will be $25* while the donation requested for Training levels is $50* because they involve more than one course. (Scholarships are available for all three training levels.) We are working on eventually getting our courses accredited.
Training Level 1 – Minister Ordination (Qualified to do all sacerdotal rites.) This is where all minister candidates start. Requested Donation $50*
Course materials:
Required: CoIC Minister Manual
Required: Minister’s Handbook containing ceremonies, rituals and prayers for various occasions (While we are in the process of writing a CoIC Minister’s Handbook we also furnish a list of recommended handbooks for Ministers that are published in small book format and can be purchased from Amazon through the CoIC website.)
Wedding Officiate Business (available as a separate course) Requested Donation $25*
Specific Manual for Wedding Business: Beautiful Ceremonies Manual (coming soon.)
(Reverend Sharra will also make available for sale her Let’s Create a Wedding Ceremony
Workbook which has already been written.)
Training Level 2 – We offer two separate courses of training. Level One training is required to be completed first before taking either. For Level 2 you can take one or the other or send an extra donation and take both.
The first is for Pastoral Counselor (Able to serve in spiritually counseling members and non-members.) Requested Donation $50*
Course Materials:
Required: CoIC Pastoral Counselor Guidebook (coming soon) Required Textbook: A Primer in Pastoral Care by Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner
Required elective: One additional ministry course from the selections listed below:
Crisis Counseling (textbook: Crisis Counseling (revised edition) by Howard W. Stone)
Premarital Counseling (textbook: Premarital Guidance by Charles W. Taylor)
Family Counseling (choice of textbook: Integrative Family Therapy by David C. Olsen or Pastoral Care of Gays, Lesbians, and Their Families by David K. Switzer)
Eldercare or Nursing Home Ministry (text book: Pastoral Care of Older Adults by Harold G. Koenig and Andrew J. Weaver)
Grief Counseling (textbook: Grief, Transition and Loss by Wayne E. Oates)
Debt Counseling (textbook plus workbook: The Total Money Makeover, a proven plan for financial fitness by Dave Ramsey)
Hospice Ministry (textbook to be determined)
Hospital Ministry (textbook to be determined)
Prison Ministry (textbook to be determined)
The second is for Chaplain (Able to offer the sacerdotal rites in various faiths and counseling various branches of service.) Requested Donation $50*
Course Materials:
Required: CoIC Chaplain Handbook (Coming soon) Required: Serving Different Faiths (textbook: Cross-Cultural Counseling by Aart M van Beek)
Training Level 3 –Senior Pastor or Executive Minister (needed to handle the full administration and running of a church.) In order to take this course Level One and one of the Level 2 courses must be completed first. This course is required for ministers requesting church charters.) Requested Donation $50*
Course Materials:
Required CoIC Church Administration Guidebook Required Church Administration Manual (covering specifics of managing a church such as Church Law, background checks, record keeping, accounting and taxes, federal and state forms, copyright issues etc.)
* Donation for courses will be waived for Directors, Area Representatives, and other active volunteers. A scholarship program is also available for those who need it. New applicants who enroll in a course of study are asked to donate $50 per level of Minister Training.
Ministerial Credentials - Licensing and Ordination
Credentials shall be offered conferring ministerial authority at three (3) levels:
1. The first step for all ministers is to start with the Level One Training and proceed through the ordination process. Ministers completing the required training and approval process and going through an ordination ceremony will receive letters and certificates to that effect. At this point they are considered full fledged ministers and qualified to perform all sacerdotal rites. No one is required to go past this point in training but we do encourage all ministers to continue in their education and we are providing a number of courses for them to take.
2. Pastoral Counseling, a Level Two training, is recommended for all ministers in continuing their education but especially for those who plan on working in the field of pastoral care and counseling. (Level One training must be completed first.) The Pastoral Counseling Course must be passed and candidate approved by the CoIC Board of Directors after which a Pastoral Counselor Certificate will be issued in addition to course completion certificates for the various courses included in training.
3. Chaplain Training is a Level Two training like Pastoral Counseling and can be taken in place of Pastoral Counseling. It is a particularly good course to take when serving in the military or veteran organizations or working with police or firemen units. (Level One training must be completed first.) The Chaplain Course needs to be passed and the candidate approved by the CoIC Board of Directors after which a Chaplain Certificate will be issued in addition to course completion certificates for the various courses included in training.
4. Executive Pastor training is a Level Three training. It also involves several courses and is recommended for those who will be serving as Pastors over independent congregations or ministries as well as those who are willing to be trained to serve as executive ministers in the COIC. It is a requirement that both Level One and one of the Level Two training be completed. It teaches in depth the administration issues of a church. CoIC requires this course be taken by all ministers requesting Church Charters. Once course is passed and approval by the Board given an Executive Pastor Certificate is issued in addition to included course completion certificates. It is also at this level that a Bishop Certificate as overseer of a church can be issued.
Course credit can be earned by training and experience from other sources (amount of credit to be determined by the Chief Executive Minister and the Director of Ministerial Training.)
Requirements for application for credentials:
1. Calling – Candidates must feel a calling to the ministry and desire to be a minister.
2. Experience - Candidates for ordination/license must be a member of the COIC at least 30 days before applying.
3. Background Check - each non-Pastoral candidate must be willing to submit a photo ID, preferably a driver’s license or passport, as well as a background check from their local officials.
4. References - Pastors applying for Executive Pastor must have the endorsement of three or more Pastors (welcome from other churches) or CoIC members who will attest to their fitness for the Pastoral office.
Requirements for Receiving Credentials:
1. Ministerial Preparation Course - Candidates for any of the ministerial licenses must complete the requirements and Ministerial Preparation Course for the level of ministry at which they are seeking to be licensed. (Pastors from other churches seeking ordination may be excused from all or some portions of these courses at the discretion of the Presiding Chief Executive Minister.)
2. Examinations – At each level of training candidates are required to write two essays one at beginning of course and one at the end of course as well as pass the required number of tests for the level of training they are taking.
3. All minister candidates must read, agree to and sign the Minister’s Code of Ethics.
4. Candidates need to be approved by the Board of Directors.
5. Candidates for all levels will be publicly acknowledged and presented to the CoIC fellowship. New Ministers will be required to participate in an ordination ceremony.
Additional Information:
1. The COIC may honor ministers with a Doctorate of Divinity based on experience and training. The COIC will offer a number of titles such as (but not exclusive) Pastor, Chaplain, Reverend, Healer, Spiritual Counselor, Evangelist and Wedding Officiate. Executive Pastors can receive the title “Bishop”.