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Welcome to Church of Interfaith Christians

The church of Interfaith Christians is a new Christian Denomination that uniquely affirms and embraces all "positive spiritual paths" --from the major world religious traditions such as Buddism and Islam, to smaller paths such as shamanism and earth based religions like Wicca.  It was founded in 2002 by Ernest A. Steadman. 

The church affirms many traditional Christian beliefs, though they are stated in such a way as to naish exclusivity and open Christianity to other religious worldviews that are also believed to have been inspired by God.  Interfaith Christians believe that God is the force of life itself and taht His Son, Jesus Chirst, unveiled the mystery of the creator by identifying the Holy Spirit and that which dwells in every human child and allows him or her to be in constant communion with the Father.  It teaches that  Jesus Christ  brought the message of salvation to all of mankind, which consistsof doing God's will in all things and forever eliminating the written law, doctrine and dogma that have been polluted by man's flesh.  This message allows humankind to fellowship directly withthe Father through the Holy Spirit.

Description of an Interfaith Christians

An Interfaith Christian is one who, while rooted in the ancient Christian faith, sees, understands, and accepts unerringly that God has created and actualized “The Christ” through Divine Wisdom in all world religions. We see that God, working through the Spirit of Love and Truth, does not deny the blessings of Sacred Knowledge to any people. We, as Interfaith Christians, respond to this awareness by embracing spiritual interdependence and interfaith respect.

Our Mission Statement

As a church of Interfaith Christians, our goal is bring together an atmosphere of love, sharing and community, living by the example of Jesus. Our purpose is to embrace the diversity of God’s faithful as we seek to enlighten, uplift and heal. We seek Truth and unite in the quest for higher values in our religious and personal lives. We encourage our ministers and members to seek out the Divine Spirit and explore their individual callings in their celebration of God.

Statement of Faith

Accepted and Approved by Board of Directors July 2, 2010

1.     We believe in the immeasurable greatness of God who dwells throughout the Universe, present in all. God is the force of life itself; the One True God known by many names and many paths but only one God; the God that breathed the first breath of life throughout the Universe, and will be the same tomorrow.

2.     We believe that Jesus, Yeshua ben Yosef, was the Son of God and Man, divinely created by God to bring forth a new covenant of love and respect and the revelation of immortality of the spirit by his death and resurrection.

3.     We believe in the Holy Spirit, the constant emanation of God, ever present, and further revealed to dwell in every living creation and remains as man’s guide in life and spirit.

4.     We believe that the Bible and scriptural writings of all faiths are divinely inspired and written for the times in which they were created.  We acknowledge that humanity, through its progression in life over the centuries, may look to the past for guidance but ultimately lives by values, morals and conscience inspired by the ever-living Holy Spirit.

5.     We believe that every person will follow a path that ultimately leads to God who has given us gift of free will. We acknowledge that as Interfaith Christians we accept the teachings and commandments of Jesus as a preparatory road to God. We also acknowledge and accept the teachings of all other faiths who profess a form of the Golden Rule as their way to achieve ultimate spiritual enlightenment.

6.     We believe that the purpose of life is to follow the will of the Holy Spirit, and thereby, the will of God in all things. We are placed upon this Earth to assist each of our brothers and sisters in the journey to the Creator and to respect the sanctity of all God’s creatures.

7.     As Interfaith Christians we absolutely believe that we must love God with our whole being and we must love and understand our neighbor as we love and understand ourselves.

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Contact Information



Postal address:

     Church of Interfaith Christians 
     3017 Hill Street

     Round Rock, TX  78664-6303



Electronic mail 


Yahoo Group
