Exploring England




Original Statement of Faith
Given to us by Dr. Steadman August 30, 2002

By Rev. Ernest A. Steadman, D.D. (Founder, Interfaith Christians)

The Interfaith Christian embraces all positive spiritual paths including Shamanism and earth-based traditions, often being called upon to heal gaps between the many disparate religious faiths using the original teachings of Jesus Christ, minus convoluted manmade doctrine. - Founding Statement - Rev. Ernest A. Steadman, D.D.


Through the words and teachings of Jesus Christ, an understanding of His true Deity and that of His Father, an intensive desire to follow the Holy Spirit so we know the will of the Creator in all things, so we do not "cast our pearls before swine" and bear His armor against all evil, we steadfastly set out to uplift God's people in all things, by our ministry, our gifts, our counsel, and our example.


•        We believe in the majesty and greatness of God, a God who dwells throughout the Universe and is in all things. He is the force of life itself. By any name a man calls out to the Heavens for intervention in time of need, he has called upon the One, True God. Many names, many paths, but only one God. At this moment in time, He is the same God that breathed the first breath of life throughout the Universe, and will be the same tomorrow.

•        We believe, His Son, Jesus Christ, unveiled the mystery of our Creator, by identifying the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit dwells in every child born of man, and allows us to be in constant communion with the Father, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The Holy Spirit allows the Father to know of our wants and needs before we become aware of them ourselves. It allows us to worship the Father in the Spirit, for He is of the Spirit and desires us to worship Him as such.


•        We believe Jesus Christ truly was the Son of God.  This is not only proclaimed in the Holy Bible,
not only by the authority of our faith, but by the shear weight and vastness of His displayed intellect, in
both His teachings and His knowledge of all things hidden from mankind until recent modern times.

•        We believe that He was crucified and while He laid in the grave for three days and nights, He
preached the way to salvation to all those souls who had gone on before in the Spirit Prison.

•        We believe He arose from the dead and began a Ministry that reached into every hollow and
mountaintop on every continent of this world. By His words, He proved He was Master of Astrology,
Medicine, Physiology, Psychology and all the Earth Sciences. And, by faith we believe He sits on the
right hand of God, the Father, the Creator of all.

•        We believe Jesus Christ came into this world to bring the message of salvation to all of mankind.
This was a message by the Father, to do His will in all things and justified all things before Him by
forever eliminating the written law, doctrine and dogma which had been polluted by man's flesh. This
allowed mankind to fellowship directly with the Father through the Holy Spirit.

•        We believe there is but ONE GOD and ONE SON and ONE HOLY SPIRIT.  Combined, they set
mankind free into God's will for their lives. We worship the Father in all things, fellowship with Him at all
times, and do so through the teachings of His Son, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit connects us to the
Father twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and allows God to know of our needs before we
realize what they are. Our ability to heed it's still, small voice in our lives wholly determines if we are
acceptable human beings before the throne of God.
•        We believe that to believe on Christ, to follow Him, to take up His cross means more to us than to
merely call ourselves Christians. For it is to physically hear, understand and act upon the urgings of the
Holy Spirit in our lives that determines our salvation, and nothing else; not our faith, nor our
declarations, nor our lack of faith, nor to what name we call upon the Father in, but by our actions and
our works.


•        We believe the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God, but is not exclusive of all knowledge of our
Savior nor is it entirely accurate in it's present state of interpretation.

•        Whenever error or conflict arises between Scriptures, we seek the "original tongue" of the
conflicting works to determine their true meanings. If this fails, it is not the fault of the Scriptures, but our
own inability to understand what is presented because of our own desire to reach a manmade
conclusion not based in Scripture. We reject the idea that the Holy Bible is complete, as it is common
knowledge the Lost Books of the Bible were rejected by the early Catholic Church for inclusion in the
Holy Bible, yet they came from the same period of time and are still relied upon as sound Scripture for
reference purposes.   

•        We believe the Holy Bible is infallible and openly seek scientific an archeological knowledge to
bolster it's hidden truth.  No scientific discovery to date has ever been able to deny the truth of the Holy
Bible, only the denial of shortsighted, ignorant dogma and doctrine which has been placed upon it for
the edification of those organizations who worship the "flesh" instead of the "Spirit".


•        We believe through knowledge of the original tongues, that we KNOW the term Church does not
refer to any group or any house of worship, as this term does not appear in the Holy Scriptures.

•        The term, as used by Paul, was ECCLESIA, which means the whole people of God who follow the
Christ, with Christ at its head. It was used again and again by him to remind the City/State
congregations their fruits and gifts belonged to a greater body, the Body of Christ.

•        We believe that in this light, we call ourselves a Church insofar as we desire to declare to the world
that we wish to return to that Body of Christ which existed during our Master's ministry and directly after,
before mankind convoluted its meaning and made it into something else.


•        We believe that God proved He is the God of all creation and that His Son, Jesus Christ, is the
Savior of all creation. For we worship the Father through the Son and heed God's call through the Holy
Spirit in all that we undertake in life.

•        We believe the book of Revelations holds the key to understanding; for at the time of the Final
Judgment, Jesus Christ will stand on the right hand of God, and judge everyone out of His Lamb's Book
of Life, "...according to their works."

•        Those who fulfill those wishes of the Father will be found acceptable before the Throne of God as
human beings originally intended by the Creator. Those who have not followed the Holy Spirit in their
lives, relying solely upon their own corrupt doctrine and dogma will be unworthy of God's mercy.

•        We believe as was stated in the year 2000 by the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church that there
will be many in Heaven who do not worship the Son nor follow His Church on earth.
•        At the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) the Roman Catholic Church issued this statement,
"God uses other Christian churches and non-Christian religions in offering salvation to all humankind;
the Catholic Church is not the only means of salvation."

•        We believe that in the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth. Our understanding of
Genesis determines our ability to identify the root cause and truth of the nature of good and evil in the

•        We believe that because the Holy Bible is infallible, we may reject the idea that science is counter
to it's teachings.

•        We believe that whether Satan is still in the employ of God (as in the story of Job) or not, truly
mankind is the pinnacle of evil without the stirrings and acceptance of the Holy Spirit in one's life.

•        We believe that by our faith and testimony, we set free into the will of God all who follow us.

•        Our message is one of inclusion and supplication. And, always, it will be the truth. But, those who
offer only condemnation, exclusion and enslavement to those who follow them are, in truth, the spirit of
evil in all it's hideous forms, and the Father and the Son are not in them.

•        We believe that the purpose of life is to follow the will of the Holy Spirit, and thereby, the will of the
Father in all things; the end result being the uplifting of the people of God and a returning to the God
seed given in the beginning of creation.

•        We believe and know that our Savior, Jesus Christ, said all good things come from the Father.  In
this light, we belittle no other religion that follows a positive spiritual path to the Creator. We also respect
Shamanism and all earth-based traditions, for as those who revere and honor even the simplest and
smallest of God's creations will in no less wise be rewarded by the Father in Heaven for their good
works. We will not judge, for to do so, our Savior says we will be judged by the same measure.

•        We believe that in the final measure, Jesus embraced all who follow Him through the Holy Spirit
and their actions, regardless of their faith, or lack of it.  For He knew of their deeds before they knew of
Him. Thus, we welcome all who will bear the label of Interfaith Christian which boldly proclaims the
validity of labels such as Christian/Wicca, Christian/Pagan, Christian/Hindu, Christian/Muslim,
Christian/Humanist, etc.

•        We believe that although many hold that governments must be by the wish of the people, we may
declare to you that all governments, free or dictatorship, exist at the will of the Father.

•        We are commanded by the Son and by all the Scriptures to honor and follow that government. But,
we are also commanded to guard our hearts lest we become less than we were in following our
government. Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is
God's." The man who reluctantly swings the axe at the will of his government is not the same as the
man who swings the axe at the will of his government and for his own enjoyment.

•        In the Old Testament, God was a God of FEAR. But, in the New Testament, God is a God of  
•        The original word for love is AGAPE, which literally means to "understand". When the word had
something to do with money, it became "almsgiving", always giving to those who had not earned it. Even
the Disciples said that almsgiving covered a multitude of sins.


  "For God so 'understood' the world, that He gave His only begotten son."
  "Greater 'understanding' has no man than he that gives his life for another."
  "'Understand' your neighbor as you 'understand' yourself."

  Copyright 2002 © The Church of the Interfaith Christian