Exploring England





Weekly Message  6/25/2010

Pathway to the Stars

Remember that book we were required to read when we joined the COIC:  Pathway to the Stars written by Dr. Ernest Steadman? It was primarily aimed at restoring faith and giving new hope for the original teachings of Jesus Christ.  Scriptures tell us "the truth shall set you free."  In order to get at the truth Dr. Steadman incorporated translations of many unrecognized ancient works of scribes and religious historians.  He re-enforced what they said with both historic and scientific knowledge.  He used works like the missing books of the Bible, the gospel according to Thomas or The Secret Teachings of Jesus and more.

As a child attending local church services, I often wondered and asked the question, "Do we have the complete Bible?"  I would always get the answer, "Yes, of course we do."  To which I'd reply, "But how do we know for sure?"  And I would be told, "Have faith.  Trust that God has seen to it to put the right books into the Bible.  God takes care of all that for us.  Have faith."  I wasn't sure about faith.  I was a bit more of a 'doubting' Thomas.

I read the Talmud, the Torah, and the Book of Mormon as a child.  As I grew up, I read The Missing Books of the Bible, The Secret Teachings of Jesus, the Dead Sea Scrolls, The gospels of Thomas, Judas and Mary Magdalene and many more.  I want say that all of them were true but some were and they were easy to spot.  I considered myself a Gnostic Christian.  I  was on a quest for understanding, in search of a higher knowledge or more profound insight into the deep and secret things of God.  I add Pathway to the Stars to that list of incredible books.

For these early recorded accounts there is much to learn of Jesus Christ that the early founders of the Christian Church have hid from their followers.  Hid out of fear.  A fear born out of superstition and ignorance.  First it was the Catholic Church but then it was also many Protestant churches.  Churches were in control and manipulating their congregations by leaving out many ancient accounts of Jesus Christ's activities out of our original Bible for various reasons.  Dr. Steadman points out that the New Testament gives us little knowledge of the early years of Christ's life.  He includes some fantastic information about Christ as a child and other areas of His life in this book Pathway to the Stars.

We are talking about Christian churches right now but there is more to come which includes other faiths.  There is a pride among traditional Christian churches of the day that will not yield to their congregations the original errors of their church doctrine.  That pride is driving young searching minds away from their doors.  This is where the Interfaith Christian Church will be different.

Dr. Steadman read translations of the ancient manuscripts and put the 'truth' together concerning Jesus Christ and His True Teachings.  Dr .Steadman has laid it out clear for everyone of us to read the things of Christ that are not in our Bibles.  To that he adds his observations of science that also prove the ultimate truths of the teachings of Jesus Christ, the son of God.  Dr. Steadman expounds on the lessons Christ has taught.  You will find these chapters very information and I encourage everyone of us to read the book.  We must not assume we know what is in it.  I am reading the book for the third time now and each time I glean even more.

Dr. Steadman was compelled to believe that evil can be born and that DNA can be "modified" by reaction with the Holy Spirit within our soul.  In his book Dr. Steadman made the call for us to change our lives and the lives of our unborn by understanding the TRUE TEACHINGS of Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit speaks to us about what is right and wrong and frankly we have no excuse to ignore it even if we do not have a Bible.  We can witness it in the Universe.  We don't have to know the name of Jesus Christ.  We just have to understand his true teachings through the Holy Spirit.  Now is where everyone outside of Christians come in.

John 10:16 reads, "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, one shepherd.

When you listen to the stories that have been handed down for centuries in tribes and countries and nations of varying faiths, there is much evidence that Christ did visit them all.  His influence is there.  His teachings evident in their religious ceremonies and rituals.  Dr. Steadman supports this concept with much evidence.

In my own family, my grandparents on my dad's side were predominantly Cherokee. My maternal grandmother was Caddo.  I learned many of their ways.  I grew up near the reservation at Ft. Sill Oklahoma and participated in many cultural dances and rituals and I love the food.  I had two really good friends in high school, one Jewish, one Catholic. (My baptist minister at the time felt sure I was going to hell.)  I spent a lot of time in each of their homes.  I learned and participated in Jewish feasts such as Days of Unleavened Bread and the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur.  I remember a lot of rituals at the Jewish home particularly around food,  certain foods shouldn't touch others.  I remember fish on Fridays in the Catholic home.

I have a hard time with the word 'Christian' though I believe wholeheartedly  in Jesus Christ.  Too many wrongs have been done by Christians that it gives us a bad name.  I don't know what else to call myself though as if I need a label.  My very best friend and secretary in our church is Wicca.  I have often attended Samhain and Beltane festivals with her.  I remember the first time I attended.  There were those who were wary of me because they knew I was Christian.  (Can you blame them?)  They were caring and friendly though and opened up to me.  Soon we were all friends and working together and now I'm always welcomed with open arms and they call me Shaman because I am a healer.  We work well together and that's a true example of being an Interfaith Christian.  I can see Christ in the people who have crossed paths with me.  It doesn't weaken my faith.  It strengthens it.  I understand God in my life more than ever.

How Christ did it is a great mystery but one I have no problem believing.  It is a great mystery that seeks an open mind, like yours and mine.  A mind that will come to marvel and rejoice that truly did there walk among men the Son of God.

There is much more to be found in the book Pathway to the Stars.

Blessings, Rev. Dr. Sharra