How Can We Be of Service?
Last week we talked about why we are here and what purpose we serve. Essentially each of us has the same mission but with a little different path and flavor for each of us. The method in which we serve will vary according to our abilities, natural talents and our desire to be of service.We all have different abilities and each of us has "something" that we are good at or that we have a natural talent for. (Some of us may still be trying to figure out what our “something” is.)
We can identify our talents pretty easily. Let’s try this exercise. We close our eyes, become still and centered inside and focus our attention inward. We will listen with our heart as we ask God to start revealing to us what our life's purpose is. We will listen with our heart as we sense those activities that make us excited. What activities bring joy and excitement into our lives? What are the things that each of us has a deep love for, whether it is art, music, books, writing, talking, computers, or justice, whatever...?
These are the things we have a natural ability for. It is also more than likely that one or more of these areas could be our opportunities for service, maybe all of them, sooner or later. That is our purpose... TO GROW... And we can ONLY grow through God-aligned service. It is a process of development. We just need to get it started.
So then... to grow means we have to walk the path with God. Remember we are not walking the path alone. Like the poem “Footprints in the Sand” God will walk with us all the way. Our path is a path of "Self-Discovery", “Self Awareness”, and “Desire to Change”, which results in the actual changing of the Self and the developing of good (God’s) character. We become self aware by discovering WHO we are and WHAT we are. God helps reveal that. We learn what our strengths are and we also become aware of the problem areas in our life. Only when we become AWARE of the problem areas can we CHOOSE to change these parts of ourselves. Without our DESIRE to change there can be no action even with God beside us. In summary: Self-discovery leads to self-awareness. Self-awareness leads to a desire to change, which then results in the actual change. It is all part of the spiritual process of growth God has put in place for us. Remember though it happens with God through his Holy Spirit. It takes the two sets of footprints, ours and God’s, walking in unity.
What does it mean to GIVE OF OURSELVES?
Let us think about that for a second. What does each of us REALLY have that we can give? Unless it belongs to someone else, EVERYTHING we have can be given... as long as it comes from us. Decisions, choices, actions, efforts, labor, honesty, integrity, honorability, service... these things are all PART of each of us.
The point is that all these qualities come from within. They start with be-ing a human, aligning ourselves with God, thinking and then moving into action. Everything man-made we see around us originated from thought, from within. EVERYTHING we have that we can give comes from ourselves and it starts within us. Being of service then means that we each give something of ourselves to others who also are God’s children and need God’s help, no matter how small or insignificant our contributions may seem to us right now.
We have become so used to thinking that Value = Money. We forget that money is simply a tool, a medium of exchange and that it represents effort and WORK on someone’s part. We all have SO much to contribute. We must quit thinking about dollar values and start thinking about spirit value or ‘soul’ value. We must ask ourselves, “How can I be part of the overall plan and make a difference to another Soul.” The things we can do are priceless and we cannot assign a dollar value to such service. We can give Service like a caring supportive hand, a friendly smile, a shoulder to cry on, help for an elderly person crossing the street (that is if we can avoid being beaten with a walking stick upon the approach {grin}). Being there for others when they need help is one of the most important ways we can serve.
Money of course is a great when someone needs financial help or if we can help others stockpile resources. It is also the easy way out for some people because it is easier to give $10 to soothe our own conscience, but really leaving it to others to step up and do the real work. So why not help with financial support but more importantly, volunteer our hands in service AS WELL. We need to become involved. There is a little satisfaction in giving money if we have money to give, but if we give our work and our efforts, the rewards or by-products of our efforts are so much sweeter.
Not everyone has money but everyone DOES have time and CAN offer their special talents somewhere in service for God.
Just for a second, let us think about WHY it is we want to be of service. Yes, there is the aspect that it is a requirement for growth, but when we think about it like that, is it really SELF-LESS? Are we not just doing it because we want something for ourselves? GROWTH?
No, there is a better reason to be of service. Remember that we talked about Creation a few weeks back. We talked about The Creator's immense Creation throughout the universe. We talked about everything in Creation being vibrating energy and Light. It is simple to see then that EVERYTHING in Creation is made from Love & Light and GOD IS LOVE & LIGHT.
CREATION ISGOD. EVERYTHING that exists EXISTS WITHIN GOD. God is in everything. God is around everything. God is everything. Every molecule in existence is part of God. Every sentient being is an aspect of God. Absolutely everyone on this planet, every animal, every plant and even everything else that we are completely unaware of, are all aspects of God.
So when we are of service to anyone or anything, WE ARE IN THE SERVICE OF AND TO GOD. In a very real sense, we are also in service to our own soul. This is because we are all part of God and what happens to another happens to us. We are ALL ONE, in spite of our limited understanding and the illusion of separation. We are NOT separate. We just feel separate from everything because of the nature of our world. We have developed and grown through the ages in a world of individualism.
We are the opposite extreme of complete individual consciousness. We are however going through a period of change where we are balancing away from the extreme and we are slowly developing some collective consciousness. We are developing our intuitive and telepathic abilities, slowly. I truly believe that our children's children will be able to communicate telepathically without any effort and with a greatly improved communication system which transcends language. Our world will be forever changed.
But we digress...
WE ARE ONE, whether we are aware of it or not. Beliefs do not alter this FACT either. When we are in service to another person, animal or plant, we are in service to ourselves, and by extension we are in service to everything in Creation. ANY service without selfishness becomes a joyful tribute to our Creator and every positive act in service anchors more Love & Light onto this plane of existence. Is that a good enough reason to be of service? The fact that we grow spiritually from selfless service is but a by-product of this tribute to The Creator. It is not our goal or reward. It is simple universal dynamics.
Sadly, the cause of our hardship is that we have been given the ultimate gift of free will as well as very limited co-creator status. We created most of this mess on earth through ignorance, greed, selfishness and just plain stupidity. We pay the price for this every day and it has gone on for so long, we have forgotten that we have the power to change it back to the way it was supposed to be. Have we not learned by now?
Maybe the problem is the fact that through the ages, the current generation never considered the fact that their actions would influence many future generations to come. The brevity of life makes people selfish. We forget that we exist forever and that only our state of being changes. We forget that we are ultimately responsible for every action and every decision we make. We are accountable in the end, for we are ONE, regardless of our state of being.If this generation leaves a mess for the next, we suffer their anguish too because we ARE ONE. We are part of The Creator and Creation. If we harm any part of Creation, we harm ourselves.
ALSO... and
this is a key... If we use the God given ability to be co-creators for good, for healing, if we use our free will to choose "healing", then our work affects all that exists too. If we create what is good, if we create with Love and with Light, then we radically transform the energies of the old darkness into energies of Light. It is about choice dear friends. FREE WILL. Are we beginning to understand what a mind-blowing GIFT God gave us in FREE WILL?
Could each of us make it a career choice or change to help others in need? Yes, it is true that we need scientists, engineers and maybe even lawyers, for a while at least. We also do need careers that do not directly help others but indirectly every career CAN have great impact. WE are in a great position to be of special service to the world even when we do not directly help people. WE can CHOOSE to align our careers and efforts with projects that benefit humanity, earth, animals and plants in some way. We can help restore paradise on earth through responsible projects and using a code of ethics that ensures the betterment of Life and NOT to contribute to destruction and devastation of our world. Where will our children live?
WE can be responsible caretakers of the earth and make sure that some greedy corporations do not pollute or cover up such atrocities. If someone chooses their life's work to be in this position, then it is their responsibility to fight for the preservation of Earth. Projects CAN be beneficial to ALL concerned instead of being only- or partially destructive.
EVERYONE can be of service in some way or another. Yes, even lawyers can choose the honorable path and defend the innocent when they get caught up in this ridiculous litigious society. They can use the crippled legal system for betterment of Life instead of promoting greed and selfish endeavors. Everyone MUST choose to align themselves, their works and all their efforts either with the darkness, or more wisely, with Love and the Christ Light. We have only these two choices but it is a choice involving our free will. As co-creators in training, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE AND ACCOUNTABLE FOR OUR CHOICES, ACTIONS AND OUR WORKS.
The term ‘Christ’ also refers to the "office" of "Christ",a spiritual position in the Creator’s hierarchy.The one who represents the Christ Light and holds the Divine Love & Light supreme office is the supreme commander for ALL that exists and transpires in our galaxy. We will talk about Christ’s position more in a later message but for now, think about this. Just as each of us is a vast multi-dimensional be-ing, in much the same way Jesus from 2000 years ago was also.
Although that aspect of His total being was called Jesus or more correctly "Jeshua", it was the name of that one earth based aspect of the same being. Jesus’ total be-ing is much more than we could ever imagine. He still holds the office of supreme commander for the local spiritual hierarchy. Learning more about His work is very fascinating but subject material for a later message. On a cosmic scale, His be-ing interacts with millions of people on earth.
From a cosmic perspective Jesus is no longer human, although He holds the humanoid form. When we work with Jesus now or when people call upon Jesus for help, we interact with aspects of this glorious supreme be-ing, the Cosmic Christ, the cosmic self of Jesus. The name is but a title and although a name conveys powerful energies about a being, it is our intent that is important when we call upon Him for help and assistance. The name is not that important, but our intent is...
In summary then, we come to earth to grow and to be of service, selfless service that is. We must become self-aware and learn about our personalities, our character, our traits, our good habits and our bad habits. We should reinforce all the good and start working on those aspects of ourselves that is not in alignment with divine Love & Light.
Let each of us examine the work that we do for a living. Is it in alignment with Love & Light? Does it ALWAYS promote the healing of earth and humanity? If not, we should change it so that it does... or maybe we’re in the wrong profession? Is it possible for us to be of service in another profession that is more in alignment with God-service?
Money is a great way to help those in need but money cannot do anything by itself if there is no one to do the work.
We do not need money to be of service. We already have what money represents.... time & effort. Everyone has a few hours of time & effort they can contribute in service every week.
The opportunities for service are endless and pretty much EVERYWHERE we look. Here are some ideas we might want to consider or even expand on. We can volunteer our time at a soup kitchen or mission such as Good Will or Salvation Army; participate and sponsor activities at a local nursing home; take a course on energy healing and become a healer or a massage therapist; mow the elderly neighbor's lawn or visit them for an hour every Wednesday and just talk. Play a weekly chess game with someone that is stuck to a chair and cannot enjoy everything in life like we do. Millions of animals suffer daily from abuse, neglect, pollution and so much more. For those of us who love animals, we can find a way to help them like volunteering to help groom or walk the dogs at your local Humane Society. The Humane Society depends on volunteer animal lovers for help. Someone has to do the work, so let’s do whatever we can to help our whole earth family.
Let’s each of us commit ourselves to this service work 100% by making a phone call to an organization or a neighbor and telling them that we want to help in any way that we can. NOTHING is insignificant.
None of us have to save the world single handedly. But many hands make light work. The more we can create awareness among humanity to step up to the plate, that help is needed, opportunities for service are available everywhere, then together we can accelerate the transformation of our world. It starts with a choice, then a decision, then action.
Each volunteer adds to the momentum of the global community's consciousness for positive change and so gradually everyone will come into alignment.
We WILL heal this world together, as ONE, or not at all.
It starts with baby steps.... yours and mine...
None of us have an idea just how powerful our humble contribution can be. A friendly comment or compliment to a stranger on the street could alter their lives forever. We might brighten their week, restore their faith in humanity and hope for the world. Our humble words might mean nothing to us but could prevent someone else from suicide without our knowledge. God truly works in mysterious ways...
Let’s be humble always, dear ones and listen to God with our Hearts. We should follow our intuition. Remember, God speaks to our Hearts, often through our guides and guardian angels. All we need to do is LISTEN with our Hearts. That gentle voice inside is only wrong when our mind gets in the way. We must learn to trust that voice inside us so our lives will be much easier. If we follow our Heart we will witness miracles. Often we are instrumental in miracle interventions and we remain completely unaware of it. We have all heard about people saying something to someone else years ago that made such an impact on that someone’s life, and yet the person doesn’t not recall the incident at all? Sure we have... Maybe it was even said to us.
The world of SPIRIT is subtle and gentle. We are used as God's vehicles of Light and service if we only allow God to work through us. And usually we are completely unaware it.
What will we do with our FREE WILL today?
Others will change in their own timing when the opportunity for change presents itself. Acceptance of others WITH their faults and shortcomings is the Loving & Godly thing to do. So let’s not attempt to change others, especially with words. Words are cheap, especially to those poor Souls who remained trapped in darkness and anger. Libraries are full of words. We cry for these people and we desperately reach out to them with attempts to help, but they cannot change until they are ready to change... and WANT to change.
We must never fall into the trap of thinking that our words alone will change them. Yes, words CAN bring about change but only if the listener already WANTS to change AND if the listener truly values our help and our words. If people ASK for our help, by all means we should do what we can, but we mustn’t impose our help on others, especially with words alone. It just does not work. In fact, it makes the situation even worse.
Most people in such a desperate situation have become complacent and their entire existence is either devoted to defensiveness (of their choices and of their lives), or to survival. That includes emotional survival because these people simply cannot cope with the onslaughts of life anymore.
There is only ONE way that we can positively influence such lives without them asking for help.
What I am about to share can save each of us years of heartache and frustration with people that refuse to change for the better. If we learn one thing from this message, let it be this.
How to touch a life positively that does not want to be touched:
We must respect each individual’s free will and their Soul's choice to go through the experience they have chosen for themselves at this time. There are no accidents in life ever. All is in divine order. If someone experiences misery, it is because they chose to do this to learn something from the experience. This happens on a Soul level and is not done on a conscious choice level. But as with all lessons, they are temporary and so will be overcome sooner or later because we are eternal. Too many people become lost in these temporary experiences and they get stuck there. Their anger at everything in the world prevents them from absorbing our words of help and processing it in an objective manner. They just cannot do it.
Next... We should fill our whole be-ings with Divine Love & Brilliant Healing Light. Let’s ask for it and imagine it filling our whole aura. We become a beacon of Light and the Light can then help to transform or transmute dark energies, if it is in the highest will and the highest good for those we are trying to help. We must be humble, yet TRUE to our Souls when we deal with such people. Let us
remember that "words are cheap" but "actions are powerful". The way that WE live OUR life is a testimony to the truth that there IS INDEED a better way to live, or to BE. Everyone CAN be nice and happy and JOYFUL. The Love we radiate through our actions and the way that we behave is a million times more powerful than the words we can speak to a desperate Soul.
Let’s REMEMBER that EVERYONE NEEDS HELP. We all do. And each of us CAN help. We start by asking God for guidance, for Light, to fill us with Peace and Love and to always keep us aware of what it is we are becoming. Our actions and our mannerisms speak book loads about us. ALSO... it CAN show such stone hearted Souls that there is a better way to Live and it will create in them the desire to have what we have.
It creates the desire to change, to learn to Love again, to Trust again, and to allow God back into their lives. Once we dedicate our Lives to God and start being in service to God... life becomes good, VERY GOOD.
And so we have come to the end of this week's message. All that remains now is our assignment for the week and a lot of thinking to do. This message is vital in our journey ahead. It is important that we really come to grips with just how to be of service. Decisions we make from now on, based on this guideline will forever shape our future. There is much to absorb so we will keep the work at a minimum.
OUR MISSION for weeks to come
Re-read the nine messages of this series posted here.
Practice the visualization technique from last week’s message *IMPORTANT*
Daily: Keep up your prayers. Talk to God. Build a relationship with God. Ask for Guidance and Help.
Weekly: Look at your life and measure it against what you are learning from these messages.
Write some notes about your thoughts in your journal and CHOOSE to align yourself, your efforts, your works with the divine Christ Light. Everything we do is one of two options. Either it is IN ALIGNMENT with divine Light or it is aligned with darkness. EVERYTHING. Look at your life and even if it looks pretty scary now, CHOOSE from this day forth that your life WILL be in alignment with your divine nature. Each step you take in the Light takes you deeper into the Light until soon enough there is no longer any place for darkness around you. How wonderful.
This will be the last in this series of messages although I may touch on more messages of this type in the future. Next week I plan to start a short series on Christmas.
I wish each of us the very best for the week to come.
May God bless us richly.
Until next time, Reverend Sharra