I’m going to take us into some New Age, Eastern Religion ideas you may or may not have heard before. It presents our lives on a much grander scale then we may have comprehended before. It is meant to open our minds and make us think about life, particularly spiritual life, in a much broader sense. Don’t just dismiss what is being said here but allow yourself to ponder it a bit and see if some of it might very well apply to your own life.
What PURPOSE do we serve?
What is the PURPOSE of our dear planet?
Is it a grand experiment?
Is it a school of some sort?
Do we have a specific purpose here on Earth?
The answer to each of these questions is a resounding "YES!!" and each of us has a very specific purpose to fulfill here on earth. The fact that we are here on earth today means so much more than anyone can imagine.
We are each vast spiritual beings. A substantial portion of each of us has been compressed into these small physical vessels that we now occupy. Our Higher-Selves have made agreements (contracts between our creator and ourselves) before we were born and although fascinating, it is important to KNOW that each of us agreed before we came into this life to perform certain functions, or rather "missions" while we were here on earth. Some of us have come to learn by experiencing. Some are here to physically serve as ‘props’
in others lives or experiences. For instance for us to learn forgiveness we must have someone and something to forgive. (It is also true that Some
experience lessons in their spirit form through serving as guides for others.) Some are here physically to serve as spiritual teachers and leaders on their path to truth and connecting with the Creator.
Earth is more than just a rock in space. Earth is a school with many grades and countless lessons. This is where we can actually experience lessons in the fastest and most dynamic way. We learn from experiencing. Of course we learn and grow while we are in the spirit world too but not near as fast as we do here on earth. Much can be said about this topic but when you think about it, our character and good qualities are discovered and honed to a fine instrument down here in this difficult world.
I’ve said it many times before:
We are spiritual beings learning through the experience of physical life.
As we become more self-aware we can work on our flaws and improve ourselves and as we learn and expand our consciousness, we will accelerate our vibration. We can hold more ‘Light’ in our bodies and so our vibration increases every time we grow. Once we have learned enough, grown enough, we no longer have to return to this school for learning and so we move on to the higher levels of spiritual existence.
Many of those who have ‘graduated’, chose to move on to other planes of existence but MANY chose to remain here on the earth serving as guides for the rest of us who desperately need all the help we can get. Some even remain to help maintain the earth and keep us from destroying it completely. They are here to help Earth and its inhabitants through their transformation process.
Have you seen those television shows about deep sea recovery projects? The deep sea explorers sit comfortably in a ship and they send down remote controlled submarine craft with cameras, lights and robot arms to manipulate to objects with. The scientist experiences the exploration through the senses of the probe craft and they watch every little thing on a computer or TV screen.
Now in much the same way, although infinitely more intimate and complex, OurCreator experiences Creation through us. God experiences God's earth through us and every other living being on earth and in earth. God can also express part of God's divine nature through us once we have been adequately prepared and ready. Until such time, God directs our lives through many lessons so that we will learn, grow and expand, until one day we make that deep, firm connection back to God. Once we have surrendered our lives completely to God, we become clearer vessels through which God can express His Divine Love & Light to the world. By being vessels for God, God turns us into pillars of Light, fountains of Love and everywhere we go, everyone we meet is then showered in His unconditional Love and Light. God can now use us to touch and melt those hearts of stone and ice.
We are all unique.We have different abilities, different gifts, and naturally we are all perfectly equipped to perform the missions we agreed to before we were born. Some of us are teachers, some of us are healers, some of us are counselors, some are caretakers and others comforters. There are so many ways in which we can perform service.
All beings have a natural deep desire for growth and expansion. The only way to really grow is through our connection with God. Let me repeat that. THE ONLY WAY TO REALLY GROW IS THROUGH OUR DIVINE CONNECTION WITH GOD. Through this connection God’s Holy Spirit puts love and light into our actions and helps us to serve in ways that are both loving and fulfilling.
As we grow with God it may seem we are showered with mixed blessings. We mustn’t be surprised to find ourselves dealing with the problems of the past, things we may need to forgive ourselves for or forgive others for and hurts that need to be healed once and for all. When we truly start on our spiritual paths we may find things in this area to be accelerated. God loves us and wants to heal us and make us whole. It’s somewhat like peeling away the layers of an onion. Each layer reveals emotional and mental hurts and even physical health problems that have been caused by the hurts. Suddenly we may feel like we have all these heath problems and we are falling apart. In truth it is the accelerated process of healing. To not understand what is going on and to resist may even cause pain. At least that has been my experience. The other side of mixed blessings is we find God supporting all our needs while we devote our beings to God's selfless service.
Sometimes we like to think life just happened to us and like lemons we just have to do what we can and try to make the best of it. We don’t want to realize that we as spirit personally had a great deal to do with the decision of being here. Spiritually EACH of us jumped at the opportunity to come to earth to learn and grow. We each hold a vital piece to God’s glorious puzzle and so it is our ‘responsibility’ to step into this spiritual life with gusto and completely dedicate our efforts to the task at hand.
God has a special plan for each of us. We must ALLOW God to transform the lives we created for ourselves and to re-align us with His Divine WILL, so that each of us can bring our piece of the puzzle to the wondrous changes happening right now. God needs EACH OF US. Humanity needs EACH OF US. Mother Earth needs EACH OF US. This galaxy needs EACH OF US... to wake up to our divine destiny and step into the spiritual mission that we came to fulfill.
You see, dear friends, a glorious and historic event is taking place here in our solar system, on our planet. It has been going on for a few years now and it will continue for several more years but it is starting to be felt by all. The Earth experiment is over and Mother Earth herself is finally ready to transit into a higher state of be-ing. The Earth is going through a wondrous transformation, literally. Yes there is a bit of upheaval happening as the earth rises out of the chaos of the past to reform in light and love. Some of the upheaval is caused by the resistance of some to change but eventually change will happen whether they want it to or not.
The Earth is being filled with brilliant divine Love & Light and all the energy is being accelerated as it/she now enters into the full speed of her own ascension process. Ascension does not mean to rise from earth's surface into the air. It means to shift in light vibrationally, some would say from the 3rd dimension through the 4th dimension and settle into the 5th dimension.
Earth is OUR planet. She is OUR responsibility and so WE must do most of the work. It is through US that the earth will step into her graceful state of being... Paradise on Earth... the new earth as it is in alignment with God's Divine Will.
This is WHY we are here...
Our progressive CoIC is a VITAL PART OF THIS PROCESS...
The journey is far from over. Much remains to be done and many times it seemed hopeless that we would succeed. A few thousand people around the earth have "held the Light" for so long and kept the process going. It appears that we have reached critical mass and so millions of people are naturally aligning with the process. You see it everywhere... Television, newspapers, people on the street. It is wonderful. Consciousness is starting to shift on a massive scale and so we are happy that millions of people are joining the process, even unbeknownst to themselves.
Most people do not have a clue what is going on but deep down inside they instinctively fall into alignment and each person starts to hold just a little bit of the LIGHT. Just think, every million little candles makes quite a difference. We are discovering what is going on in the world today, on all levels and so we have a map with which to navigate. Now that we have a better understanding of what is going on, we can find our own special place in this cosmic drama and more effectively fulfill our divine charge.
I have to repeat this... "Most people do not have a clue what is happening". Hopefully we will come to understand the process clearer ourselves and find our place within it. If we know and understand what is happening, then maybe we can help inform others and they will connect with the Divine as well helping complete the process. People's consciousness would shift on massive scale and the whole planet would come into alignment. No more wars, No more selfishness, No more anger, No more greed, No more corruption, No more need for money, no more crime, no more negativity... Our planet would instantly shift into a higher state of vibration. The journey has begun, the outcome is assured.
Our Mother, the earth is being filled with massive quantities of Light and ALL the energy is being accelerated as she now begins her own ascension process into her higher state of expression, or be-ing. Many of us will travel with her on this glorious journey, MANY WILL NOT. Unfortunately we will lose physical friends and family along the way but it will only be temporary until they can rejoin us in the future.
So then, we wanted to know what our purpose is?
To be of service to God.
To be of service to Our Fellow Man and Ourselves.
To be of service to Our Earth and All God’s Creatures on it..
To become a pure vessel through which God can work.
To become a pillar of brilliant Golden White Light.
To become a gushing fountain of Love that touches all that we meet.
To reclaim our Divine Spirit Essence
To overcome our egos and BE our TRUE Spirit Selves.
To once again merge back into the God Force.
THAT IS OUR PURPOSE.....................................
How can each one of us find out what our particular method of service is? We need to pray. We need to talk to God.
Examine our Lives, examine our qualities and most importantly....
Weekly Mission
Re-read this week’s message
*IMPORTANT*, practice the visualization technique from last week’s message (repeated below.)
Daily: Talk to God. Build a relationship with God. Ask for Guidance and Help.
Daily: Repeat the prayer from the October 8, 2010 weekly message . (See below.)
Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Take 6 deep breaths slowly in and out.
Imagine you are in the 4th dimension, in your etheric spirit body.
Using your mind and your spiritual body, stretch out your right hand and see it before you. You notice that your arm has a radiant luminescent quality and light shimmers through it.
With your mind, manifest (construct with your Will) a cube, 7 inches by 7 inches by 7 inches, in a bright shiny shimmering golden color, floating one inch above your hand. Look at this cube and SEE its beautiful radiance.
Now with your mind power, slowly spin this cube clockwise (as seen from above). Watch it spin ever so gently for a few seconds and appreciate the fact that this is in fact REAL and is happening on the 4th dimension. It is no longer just imagination, it is REAL. While the golden cube spins gently, manifest a 10 inch diameter blue-green ball, 2 inches above the spinning golden cube. This ball looks like earth viewed from outer space but it is much more brilliant in color. It seems like it is shining from within and the colors are beautiful beyond description. Appreciate the beauty of this beautiful miniature earth shining bright, above the spinning golden cube.
Again, with the power of your mind, WILL the little earth down over the spinning golden cube so that it perfectly envelopes the cube and now, in the palm of your hand you have the luminescent earth with the spinning golden cube inside. Watch it for a few seconds and appreciate its beauty.
Now manifest a brilliant white pyramid made of diamond, a few inches above the globe in your hand. The pyramid is large enough to fit over the blue-green earth in your hand but hold it there, floating above the earth for a few seconds. Notice how it sparkles brightly with beautiful streaks of light shooting off into the distance every now and then.
Using your WILL once again, spin this diamond pyramid anti-clockwise (as seen from above). See the sparkles shimmer and many more light streaks fly off into the distance as the pyramid starts spinning. Notice how the earth stands still and how the cube and the pyramid spins in opposite directions.
With your WILL, bring the spinning pyramid down OVER the earth globe in your hand... and it fits perfectly. Now you have a golden cube spinning inside the earth and both of these are now inside the brilliant spinning diamond pyramid. Sit and watch this creation of yours for as long as you want. Notice its incredible beauty. Feel the radiant Light of your creation shining warmly on your hand and your face. Now from your Heart center, your own Heart Chakra, project a beam of brilliant white Light, a beam of pure divine Love, into your spinning creation and see how it responds to YOUR Love. Let your creation glow with your Love.
With your mind and WILL, accelerate the spinning of the pyramid and the cube to super fast Lightspeed and as it instantly responds to your WILL, see your creation burst forth into brilliant intense golden-white light that shines for millions of miles into the galaxy.
Hand this wonderful gift of YOUR Love and Light to our Mother, the Earth... WILL it from your hand, see it fly off your hand and swoop through the night sky and enter deep into the core of our planet earth. Watch it travel and illuminate the earth from within as it settles at the core of the planet. See how your gift of Love & Light adds to the radiance of our Earth. See the ripples of Love and Light spread out to the surface where it touches the Hearts and Minds of every living creature on the earth.
What a beautiful glorious GIFT from you to the universe, to our galaxy, to our planet earth and to every living being on earth. YOU created this gift. It is part of YOU.
----- Feel free to modify this prayer to suit your personal needs. -----
I call upon you now my Creator and I ask for your Love & Light to shine brightly into my Heart this day as well as all the days of the year ahead. You have led me to this opportunity for transformation and I thank you for working in my life in this wondrous and mysterious way.
I stand before you now with the deepest commitment of, and to my Soul and to You, that I will grasp this opportunity for transformation and that I will follow through and keep my word. I give my WORD this day, my solemn promise that I will take time out of every day to absorb as much of these teachings as I possibly can. I give thanks and place trust in You that You will grant me the means to grow spiritually as fast as I possibly can, every day becoming more ready for the unveiling of my Life's Purpose. I wish to honor You and honor my Soul by fulfilling my Life's work to the best of my ability.
I hereby request that my individual and unique purpose be revealed to me as soon as I am ready. I trust that all that I may need to complete this purpose will be provided for effortlessly, when and where it is needed, to complete my work.
It is my deepest desire to "allow" my Soul to become the active, permanent expression of who I truly am in my daily life. I now invite my Soul to merge with my body and anchor permanently in this physical body so that I will always be grounded in the Spirit and in Your Love.
I wish to permanently emanate Your Divine Love & Light wherever I go. I now make myself, this body, my be-ing, available to You so that You may use me as a vehicle of your service, a conduit for Your Divine Love & Light, a vehicle through which you can touch the lives of all whom I meet with your Grace and Unconditional Love.
Guide me and teach me to be the purest vehicle for your service that is attainable. It is my intent to always follow Your Light and Divine Guidance as I continue on my spiritual journey ahead. I will do You proud.
Your Son/Daughter ________________
(fill in your name)
SO BE IT... Now & Forever... (AMEN)
I wish you only the very best for this week to come.
May God bless you richly.
Reverend Sharra