Today we will get into some rather deep subjects. Some of the concepts covered might fall into the category of ‘unknown’ for a few of us, only because these concepts have remained obscured from us for so long. We have remained unaware of our spiritual design and so to some these concepts may seem unfamiliar and be a bit frightening.
It is essential that each of us begin to get a picture of who and what we really are so that we can understand how it is possible to work and operate in the spirit world. If we do not know that there is so much more to us than meets the eye, then we can never fulfill our purpose here on earth.
So let us begin this interesting journey of self discovery.... For the information in this message to make sense, we need to place ourselves in a specific reference mode. We must be OPEN to new information and not fear it. We must be non-judgmental and consider the implications of this information. The subject today will be a BASIC level. There is much more to it, but our intent is to stretch the mind, not to snap it.
We need to realize that our physical world is a great illusion. All that we see around us, all that we can touch and feel is but ENERGY, slowed down to a point where it manifests as physical objects.
Consider the nature of water. If you increase the energy of water by heating it up, it eventually turns from a liquid into a gas, or steam. Then again if you lower the vibrational energy of water by cooling it down, it turns into more solid matter, or ice. As you can see, water is but a specific organization of two elements (hydrogen and oxygen), no matter in which state it is... solid, liquid or gas. Only the energy vibration changes ... it is the rate of vibration of the elements of an object that determines its state of being.
The cat meowing at my feet for attention, the wooden desk I am working on as well as my own physical body are all made of the same type of molecules. What holds these same molecules together in such different forms? Again we will see it is a matter of energy.
This is one of the toughest and age old questions.... More accurately, "What are WE"?
For a long, long time now, throughout the ages in fact, people have asked this same questions again and again as they try to comprehend and understand their lives. Although with our mighty brains we can conceive of "The Self", the truth is that it is simply impossible to fully comprehend our complete be-ing, to include the spiritual and divine nature of us, with our rational mind, or for that matter, while we are in this present state of awareness in physical form. Our spiritual nature is way above our level of understanding and comprehension but it does not mean that we should remain ignorant of who and what we are. How will we grow without trying to integrate as much knowledge as possible about our true nature?
Over thousands of years we as humans have come to see ourselves only as being "the personality" and "the ego" that is part of our make-up. We have come to know only that part of ourselves as separate and individual beings, identified by a name, a job title, somebody's relative. From our current limited perspective, this does seem to constitute our being, but it is only so because of our limited understanding and the view from where we stand.
Were our consciousness raised into the higher realms where God and the angels dwell, we would understand and know that we are wonderfully powerful, magnificent, beautiful, glorious beings of Spirit, that is VAST in our total being, existing on many levels and dimensions of God's unknowable Creation. We are made of the stuff of God-All-That-Is. We are made of pure divine Love & Light.
We are NOT just human beings. Our human bodies are but temporary vehicle for part of our Soul. A vessel through which our spirits can experience, grow, expand, learn and most importantly, through which we can be of service here in the physical world. Our bodies are like temporary hotel rooms in which our REAL Selves can stay and operate for a while.
Our bodies are a great gift from God that allows us (the real us) to be present and active here on earth in this physical realm. So please, Let’s Honor our bodies. We must take care of them. Our bodies are in fact more like temples than hotel rooms, so let’s treat them with respect and honor for allowing us to be of service here and now.
We are not flesh and body human beings having a few spiritual experiences. We are in fact spirit beings having physical human experiences, but more correctly... We are VAST Spirit Beings having many experiences of which personality, that which you consider you and that which I consider I is but one.
Yes, we stood in long lines to be here at this time, to be chosen to be here at this time of change, so that we could serve our fellow man, our planet and all it’s creatures throughout this time of wondrous change. We had to pass many lessons to be ready for this task and yes, We are the very cream of the crop so to speak. We were chosen from MANY for this opportunity to be here, now.
But our journey and our usefulness does depend on our daily choices. Remember FREE WILL? We wanted this opportunity... We were granted this opportunity. We may have forgotten it over the years but the time is here and now to remember once again. To remember WHY we came here to earth. To remember who and what we are and what our mission is here on earth. We must WANT to remember who we are and we must WANT to wake up from the long slumber and accept our responsibilities here on earth. We must want to fulfill the tasks we came here to do in the first place, to fulfill our heaven-sent purpose. The desire alone will propel us along this journey of self-discovery and lead us into the work we came here to do.
Just because we cannot currently comprehend our total design does not mean we should ignore all of ourselves. We HAVE to learn whatever we can about our true nature because as we learn and integrate more, our capacity expands and so we can again learn a little more. This is a process of growth. The more we learn, the more we can handle and this in turn creates more room for learning and growing until finally one day we manage to accomplish our final merge back into our original state of being, where we will be ONE with all and have instant access to all that we wish to know.
If we have a better idea as to "what" we are, we may better understand "who" we are and that will lead us a few steps closer to home. Where is home? Home is God. As we grow and progress on our journey, our consciousness expands and we grow closer to actually experiencing our union with our Creator.
We are not separate from God. God exists within us and within everything on all dimensions of the many vast universes of Creation. God IS everything in Creation, because Creation exists within God. Each little bit of energy, each vibration of existence is part of God's omnipotent and omnipresent be-ing. That is why we can refer to God as "All-That-Is".
There is a more correct term for God based on what the high teachers teach us: "Everything in existence has either a positive or negative vibration and also a masculine / feminine vibration or quality to it". When we think of God in our limited understanding and capacity, we think of God as just "The Father".
But God-All-That-Is is not only the Father. God-All-That-Is IS EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS, including the other aspects we know like SON and MOTHER or feminine aspects of Creation... AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN BETWEEN.
Since GOD-The-Creator is in fact "ALL-THAT-IS", we will often find that higher teachings refer to God in a more correct and accurate title or description as: GOD-GODDESS-ALL-THAT-IS or OMNI-ALL-THAT-IS. We may also find more correct the Native American term for God:
Father-Mother-God, Great Spirit ... Or... Father-Mother-God-ALL-THAT-IS.
This information is provided for the sake of interest only and to help us consider other aspects of our unknowable creator that we may never have considered. It is immaterial though how we address our Creator, as
there is but ONE Creator and is but ONE TRUE GOD.
There are more important things in Life than to bicker about titlesand so I offer these options for us to consider but the choice is ultimately each of ours as to how we wish to address God in our own personal way.
Getting back to US and what we are...
A brief introduction:
We are the WE that we "know", our physical bodies and personalities that we have come to accept as ourselves. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and also how we relate to our world around us. Then there are many parts of the greater WE which we (as mental awareness) do not necessarily know about or understand.
Remember we started this message talking about energy and rates of vibration? We talked about water being the same elemental compound in all three of its states, solid (ice), liquid (water) and gas (steam). The only difference was the temperature or rather how much energy was applied or removed from it. More energy (heat) made steam and less energy (cooling) produced ice.
Well we exist on a similar yet vastly different principle. Why is it different? Because we are much more complex than water. Our physical bodies are subject to physical laws just like water is. Our bodies can freeze or turn into a gas if heated enough.
But WE are NOT our bodies. Our bodies are but temporary vehicles for our real SELVES. Our real SELVES are SPIRIT BEINGS and our natural state of existence is NOT in the physical dimension. That is WHY we have bodies. So that part of us can be here on earth in the physical realm because we have work to do here. So far so good?
Let us use the example of water and its 3 states of gas, liquid and solid. Think of the real SELF, our SPIRIT as the GAS state, the HIGH VIBRATION SELF. God sent us on a mission but this work we must do is in a very solid world, a place where things are much slower and denser than our normal operating environment. In our example the real self is in a gaseous form but we have to go do this work in the solid world, where everything is made of ice.
Through very advanced spiritual physics, our REAL SELVES (that spirit part of us that is connected to God the Creator) assigns a portion of our spirit (gas) to this task we must do in the ice world. This part of us is then cooled down a bit and slowly becomes a liquid. We are slowing down the vibration of our natural gas state until that part of us forms a liquid. But we are still not solid enough, so we must slow down our vibration even more... much more... until finally this part of us that was assigned to this task eventually becomes solid enough. Now this part of us is compatible with the solid world of ice in which we must work and we can effectively work there and complete the mission God sent us on.
What happens when our task here on earth is done? We do not want to leave part of ourselves here in this unnatural state. No, we start energizing that part of us until it becomes warmer and turns to liquid. We keep raising the energy and the molecules vibrate faster and faster until once again this part of us turns to the gas state. Back to where we naturally exist as a high vibration. We used water as an example and there is of course much more to us than just water, but the differences in states of being are important to help us understand who and what we are. This water concept is a pretty good analogy for us.
WE ARE Spirit in nature. Our whole selves, our real ‘selves’, are vast powerful beings of Light. Somewhere over time, a small portion of each of us was called to do work here on earth. Earth and the physical realm are much denser and slower in vibration than where we, our real total selves, naturally exist. There is a specific science involved in this transition and it is purely energetic in nature. In the same way that everything in the universe is but energy, or more correctly, is only LIGHT in different states of vibration, we too are nothing but energy or divine LIGHT in different rates of vibration.
On a side note, Einstein's theories suggest that if we take any object (like a military tank or a rock), regardless of its mass or size... and we accelerate this object tremendously... the following happens: As this object approaches the speed of light, it becomes smaller and smaller and as it becomes smaller, it's mass increases accordingly. The theory suggests that as this object, a rock or a tank, gets close to traveling at the speed of light, it will be smaller than the tip of a pin and weigh more than a mountain. At the speed of light it will be infinitely small and have infinite mass.
Kind of makes us wonder what would happen if we slowed a single beam of light down "just a little". It may be a tiny object but would weigh an incredible amount and might be able to knock stars and planets out of orbit. Isn’t this interesting stuff to think about? Based on this theory of Einstein, it is a bit easier to understand how GOD-ALL-THAT-IS created this universe from GOD'S ESSENCE, which is LIGHT & LOVE. But we digress....
Back to who we are... We are Spirit in our natural state of being but part of ourselves must come to earth to do work here. A small part of ourselves is assigned to this mission and so this energy must be stepped down considerably to be accommodated in a physical body, our temporary vehicle in this physical dimension. The process is beyond our understanding but we can grasp the basics. Our main problem is understanding the bridge between our spirit self and that part of our being that is housed in a physical body. We will briefly look at our basic make-up next, but we must realize that it is much more complex than we could ever hope to understand with our human minds.
Between our "spiritual selves" and our "physical bodies" there is a gradual step-down of energy. Each level of this energy corresponds to certain aspects of our spiritual natures, or rather the spiritual experiences we have while in physical bodies. We have portals through which we can access non-physical things such as mind functions, emotions, causation, manifestation and so forth. Our physical brain by itself is but a mysterious link to our spiritual mind essence. The body design is an incredible wonder but even more mind-boggling is the bridge between our physical body and our spirit.
(I realize that I am saying a lot of things here that may be hard to understand and may be concepts you have not heard before. I am trying to give us all a little different perspective. I’m getting ready to talk about auras and chakras. I want to challenge everyone to just open your mind and think on what I am saying at least a little. Be open minded and at least willing to think on it. If you cannot accept it then don’t fight it or try to destroy it. Simply put it down and be at peace.) Ok, going forward:
Let us start with our physical body. We are very familiar with this part of ourselves, as we have identified with it for several years now since birth. The bridge between this physical body and our spirit self has seven major distinguishable levels or steps.
Each of these energy jumps can be seen as a subtle energy field that surrounds our physical body. Let’s raise our hands before our eyes about a foot from our faces. Look at the outline of our hand. This is where our physical body ends. Now with our imagination, let’s trace another outline of our hand but this time about an inch away from the skin of our hand. This is our etheric body and fits around our physical hand like a one inch thick glove and continues to surround your whole body. Our physical body exists within this etheric body. Some of us may be able to see this etheric body if our intuitive abilities are somewhat developed. It will appear as whitish gray or as a shade of blue in color and looks like a fine mist or fog around us. If we concentrate on feeling it between our thumb and index finger, we might feel some energy pressure between these two fingers when they are about two inches apart. What we are feeling is our etheric body and by focusing on it, our intent to do so will tune our minds to sense this. Everyone can do this. For some people it is easy to do and for others it takes lots of practice to open up these heightened sensory centers.
In the same way that this etheric body surrounds our whole physical body by about an inch, we have SEVEN of these energy bodies that surrounds our physical bodies. Each one of these energy bodies is much higher in vibration and is the energy step-up bridge between our physical body and our true spirit nature. Each body has a different name and each body corresponds to a specific energy center through our physical bodies. Each energy body is also related to different aspects of our awareness and functions in its own unique way.
It is also important to know that each energy body is different in size. The first energy body surrounds our physical body by about an inch if we are healthy and about half an inch or less if we are sick, or sick in one area. If we have a cut on our finger and it bleeds, the energy body will change in the area where we are hurt and reflect the damage in the energy body and it will also be instrumental in restoring health (life force) to that wound.

Each of these energetic bodies not only surrounds the physical body but in fact interconnects with the physical body at certain locations on the body. The design is absolutely beautiful and the splendid auric colors make up a wonderful display of Light that constantly surrounds us and moves through us. Each of us is a huge ball of Light energy in constant motion. It always accurately reflects our physical health, mental states, emotional states and so much more. This is also the arena where dis-ease is said to start starts.
Dis-ease starts in the auric field due to energetic imbalances and eventually, if not dealt with and resolved, filters down and manifests in the physical body. In spiritual healing techniques we will learn how to work with these energy fields, how to clear these fields and always have a healthy aura. The idea is, “If we can manage to keep our aura clean and healthy, then there is no reason why we should ever by physically ill or dis-eased.” I have worked as a shaman and healer for many years and being in the field I have many friends who are also healers. AS I have fought my battle with pancreatic cancer some seven years now I have called upon friends to help me balance these energy fields or energy bodies.
Borrowing from Easter religions, each energy body has a specific location where it interacts with the physical body. These portals are cone shaped and they start with the tip of the cone on the spine and extend from there outward and opening wider and wider to the energy body that it corresponds to. These energy portals are known as CHAKRAS and they extend to both the front and back of our bodies starting at the spine as the center column.
Chakras are an advanced spiritual concept and many books have been written about them. It is an extensive you may choose to make a study of in your own time but be prepared for spending a lot of time on it, as it is an extensive subject. My task is simply to open doors for each of us that we may explore at our own free will and it is up to each of us to do the exploration if we are so inclined or guided to do so. Some of us may also do a web search for Kirlian
Photography or Aura Photography if you want to see more pictures of auras. These are not paintings but are in fact real pictures taken with some very interesting technology.
Our higher selves (also referred to as ‘Souls”) are beyond these 7 energy bodies or levels of our beings. Our auras and their seven bodies are the bridge between our physical bodies and our Souls.Our Soulsseem to function as independent entities much like we do. Our Souls have names, duties to perform, responsibilities to handle and goals to achieve. Our Souls play a vital part in arranging for those seemingly strange coincidences in our lives (synchronistic events) and they also delegate tasks and special information to our personal spiritual counselors. Some may call these spiritual counselors Guides or "Guardian Angels". I personally believe we can have both ‘Spiritual Guides’ and ‘Guardian Angels’. I feel they are entirely different entities but God assigns both. The Higher Self also arranges for certain things to happen in our physical lives so that we may naturally expand our awareness and walk our spiritual journey.
The Soul's purpose is two-fold. It wants to grow and expand and also it is in the business of selfless service. In the Soul's journey of growth, whenever it wants to learn about something specific about human life, or experience life in a certain way, or if it has a special task to perform (maybe to help another), it decides to incarnate into a physical body. Of course the process is more complicated than I’ve stated and approval must be gained from the Spiritual Hierarchy. As physical beings when we reach the phase in life and show an interest in spiritual growth, our Souls actively become involved with our physical lives and in fact we share consciousness with our Souls in flashes of inspiration and guidance.
So the SELF that EACH OF US knows is but ONE aspect of our Souls. In turn, the same applies to the SOUL that EACH OF US knows . Our Soul is but ONE aspect of another greater being known as the "I AM Presence". It is also referred to as the "Monad". This is not the "I AM THAT I AM" that is mentioned in the Bible. Each of us has an “I AM presence” and it is part of us, or more correctly, WE are part of our “I AM Presence” or Monad.
Our task in returning home is to develop a very close relationship with our Soul and we must merge our physical selves with our Soul selves. When this happens the heavens rejoice. After this, our task is to work at merging with the “I am Presence” and once we achieve this, we are HOME.At this time we merge back into oneness with Creation (enlightenment) and we are no longer bound to this physical dimension. This is also referred to as Ascension. This process takes many years to fulfill and I personally believe we do not achieve this in one physical lifetime.
We must remember that the above description is a rational attempt at understanding the Soul and right now, in our limited capacity, the Soul is not understandable. We try to make do as best we can. This is why some of the information seems contradictory. We are trying to rationalize that which cannot be rationalized. Now we will talk about the Soul in an energetic sense.
There is of course much more to this brief explanation of what we are and how we fit into the scheme of things but it is good enough for this message. The idea is to stretch our mind, not to "snap" it? Let us reflect on this information for a while and once we come to understand more of our divine design and how we fit into the scheme of things, our spiritual journey and our purpose here will become easier to comprehend and fulfill.
Well friends, this has been the first message that presents quite a challenge to our minds. Some of us already know about these things, but I am sure that to many of us this is new information. Remember how we talked about fear a while back? Well, I expect that for some of us who were not aware of this information, we might be feeling some fear or denial or.... whatever emotions this information illicit in our minds.
The universe is filled with such glorious Love and we have remained spiritually naive for so long. Humanity right now is rather spiritually challenged or primitive you might say. Our time has come to rise to the occasion... To wake from the slumber and to take our rightful place in God's glorious Creation.
This Week’s Mission
This message in itself was quite a bit to wrap the mind around so we will stick to a basic assignment this week. It is VERY important for each of us to re-read this discourse. This is very important information and we MUST shift our consciousness into gear now. It is time to move ahead and I know this message is going to be very hard for some people to deal with. IF ANY OF US HAVE ANY TROUBLE DEALING WITH THIS INFORMATION EMOTIONALLY, RE-READING EACH MESSAGE (1-6) FROM THE BEGINNING WILL HELP GAIN A BETTER OVERALL UNDERSTANDING AND ALLOW YOU TO BETTER INTEGRATE THIS MESSAGE. Now I would like to add a visual exercise you might enjoy:
Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Take 6 deep breaths slowly in and out.
Imagine you are in the 4th dimension, in your etheric spirit body.
Using your mind and your spiritual body, stretch out your right hand and see it before you. You notice that your arm has a radiant luminescent quality and light shimmers through it.
With your mind, manifest (construct with your Will) a cube, 7 inches by 7 inches by 7 inches, in a bright shiny shimmering golden color, floating one inch above your hand. Look at this cube and SEE its beautiful radiance.
Now with your mind power, slowly spin this cube clockwise (as seen from above). Watch it spin ever so gently for a few seconds and appreciate the fact that this is in fact REAL and is happening on the 4th dimension. It is no longer just imagination, it is REAL. While the golden cube spins gently, manifest a 10 inch diameter blue-green ball, 2 inches above the spinning golden cube. This ball looks like earth viewed from outer space but it is much more brilliant in color. It seems like it is shining from within and the colors are beautiful beyond description. Appreciate the beauty of this beautiful miniature earth shining bright, above the spinning golden cube.
Again, with the power of your mind, WILL the little earth down over the spinning golden cube so that it perfectly envelopes the cube and now, in the palm of your hand you have the luminescent earth with the spinning golden cube inside. Watch it for a few seconds and appreciate its beauty.
Now manifest a brilliant white pyramid made of diamond, a few inches above the globe in your hand. The pyramid is large enough to fit over the blue-green earth in your hand but hold it there, floating above the earth for a few seconds. Notice how it sparkles brightly with beautiful streaks of light shooting off into the distance every now and then.
Using your WILL once again, spin this diamond pyramid anti-clockwise (as seen from above). See the sparkles shimmer and many more light streaks fly off into the distance as the pyramid starts spinning. Notice how the earth stands still and how the cube and the pyramid spins in opposite directions.
With your WILL, bring the spinning pyramid down OVER the earth globe in your hand... and it fits perfectly. Now you have a golden cube spinning inside the earth and both of these are now inside the brilliant spinning diamond pyramid. Sit and watch this creation of yours for as long as you want. Notice its incredible beauty. Feel the radiant Light of your creation shining warmly on your hand and your face. Now from your Heart center, your own Heart Chakra, project a beam of brilliant white Light, a beam of pure divine Love, into your spinning creation and see how it responds to YOUR Love. Let your creation glow with your Love.
With your mind and WILL, accelerate the spinning of the pyramid and the cube to super fast Lightspeed and as it instantly responds to your WILL, see your creation burst forth into brilliant intense golden-white light that shines for millions of miles into the galaxy.
Hand this wonderful gift of YOUR Love and Light to our Mother, the Earth... WILL it from your hand, see it fly off your hand and swoop through the night sky and enter deep into the core of our planet earth. Watch it travel and illuminate the earth from within as it settles at the core of the planet. See how your gift of Love & Light adds to the radiance of our Earth. See the ripples of Love and Light spread out to the surface where it touches the Hearts and Minds of every living creature on the earth.
What a beautiful glorious GIFT from you to the universe, to our galaxy, to our planet earth and to every living being on earth. YOU created this gift. It is part of YOU.
It IS indeed good exercise and will develop our abilities greatly, but even more importantly, while we practice these skills, we are making a wonderful contribution to Earth. WE are stepping into a new world. With brilliant Light we can drive away all darkness from this planet and with this same brilliant Light we touch the hearts of every single human being on earth. Our world is in desperate need of change, of healing. There is NOTHING more powerful in the universe than LOVE & LIGHT and so I present to you another way in which to pray..
That brings us to the end of this week's message. Quite a lot wasn’t it?
I wish each of us only the very best for this week to come.
We will talk again next week. May God bless us richly.