Exploring England





(I am trying to lighten things up though I know some of you feel what I am writing lately is unreal and fluff.  I assure you we need it right now.  Today, I must give thanks to others that I have borrowed thoughts from over the years.  I thought of them as I was putting together bits and quips I have saved to my computer.  There are so many wonderful people who are awakening and realizing the same.  Has any one heard of the ‘hundred monkey syndrome’?)

Humanity may not own up to this popular belief but it has been manifested in modern mankind’s actions.  In our arrogance we tend to think and feel:

We are kings. We rule this planet earth. We are the Gods here, the creators. We need no other.  In less than 100 years we have developed advanced societies, complicated judicial systems, huge bureaucracies, inter-continental flight, global communication, the internet, instant mail anywhere in the world, fax machines, satellite communication.  We have been to the moon.  We plan to go to mars.  We have made more than a hundred successful space missions.  We have developed amazing medical equipment and huge skyscraper buildings (which we can destroy and make fall killing thousands in the process.)  We rule all the animals.  We poach if we please.  We just pretty much do as we want.  

·         WE CAN DO ALMOST ANYTHING, with a simple "Choice" and decision.

·         We have flourished on this planet.



Do we forget the struggles we have gone through, the senseless wars, senseless killing, genocide, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons and God only knows what we have not used yet. Are we truly so great or are we just an arrogant primitive species who has had moderate success with our technological toys? This planet, Earth, is a mess and WE caused it.  God created it in perfection.  We trashed it. We can almost look at humanity as contracted planet killers when we look at the other side. 

How limited and ignorant does a species have to be to cause so much destruction and chaos? The sad thing is we are told the destruction and persecution is for wonderful reasons such as these: honor, pride in country, religious beliefs, in the name of God and so much more. If there is more advanced intelligent life out there in the Universe I can imagine them looking at us and just shaking their heads thinking... these idiots are going to destroy themselves, their planet and could even radically affect other parts of the galaxy where humans have no right to do so. 

My point is: From a cosmic perspective, earth may be a primitive place run by a primitive species and a dangerous species at that. Were it not for ‘Divine Intervention,’ we would have destroyed this planet several times over in the past. What should we learn from this?  We as humans may think we are just so "cool" because of what we have accomplished, but the truth is a much sadder fact. We are still pretty much a primitive warlike species even if we do have some neat high-tech toys.

The question then is: WHY? 

                Why is our beautiful planet such a mess?
                                Why do we insist on destruction and war?
                                Why is everything driven by GREED? 

In short... the answer is rather simple...

The physical world, as we know, it is a pretty rough place. We have been very much disconnected from our creator God and we have lived by our natural responses like survival, fight or flight and other similar instinctive reactions. Like animals, we react instinctively. So much for our advanced society with the greatest gift of all, FREE WILL.  I guess God took a chance on us and look what we did...  

We have no clue what the truth is, we never have... and so it is that we begin to form BELIEFS. All our different societies have become so dependant on beliefs because it is the only way we have used to make sense of an apparently senseless world. There is a vital difference between a belief and a fact. A fact can start out as a belief but not all beliefs are facts. Beliefs are things we as humans create when we are trying to make sense of things we do not understand.  Haven’t we seen some of the weirdest and silliest beliefs out there? Seems people will believe anything and then form deep convictions about it. Why? 

Because we have not learned to plug into the truth and into God and because we have not listened to our Hearts.  From childhood we are taught certain beliefs and these beliefs form the foundation of our world, no matter how silly or false they may be. Some beliefs are good.  Some are bad. How do we know what ours are? 

We must realize that beliefs by themselves do not serve any good purpose.  

If anything, they keep us in little boxes and prevent us from realizing a higher truth.  They keep us fro growing and learning.

Remember two weeks ago we talked about spiritual growth... If a single belief we form is good enough for us and makes sense to us, then how can we ever grow any more in that area?  Now ONE belief may not be a problem, but humanity fell off of the train somewhere a long time ago. We do not just have ONE belief.  We have millions of beliefs.  Each and every one of us have millions of beliefs, a lot of them just plain don’t make sense.  For example many believe... " Life MUST be hard and unbearable in order to obtain rewards after life." Is that crazy or what? The problem is that by saying it, we can "make it so" for ourselves.  First comes the thought and then the thought is spoken and then it is manifested.

In this way we create our world around us. Every belief we have was formed because we "spoke" it into being, for us. The world around us is our very own creation.  We are not victims of the world. We created our own world. We can’t let a few silly beliefs pre-condition us into living lives of failure and chaos like many people do. Let’s think for a moment.  A lot of beliefs don't make any sense and 99% of beliefs are based on everything BUT facts. That is the nature of beliefs, they are just beliefs, not facts. 

Just because WE personally don't believe ‘something’ does not mean that ‘something’ is not so or does not exist. It is WE who have formed the BELIEF in the first place that ‘something’ does not exist and we formed the BELIEF without fact or any proof one way or the other. We simply may have decided it doesn’t exist and CHOSE to believe what we wanted as fact.   That doesn’t make it fact.  Example: just because you do not experience angels in your every day life does not mean they do not exist.  

This is the nature of beliefs dear friends. Beliefs are dangerous.

Just because we choose to believe something, DOES NOT MAKE IT SO.

Beliefs are powerful things and they WILL influence our lives.

Beliefs are our greatest self-imposed prison. We have not learned to be open,  to seek out the truth and to really think for ourselves. Granted, very little makes sense but at least if it doesn't make sense, let’s be honest about it and say: "I just don't know" instead of making beliefs up as we go. It is crazy....  


Of course we don't. We live on a speck of dust in the middle of nowhere in this vast universe. In a Universal sense we almost border on insignificance. How dare we think we know anything? What about religion...?  How dare we think we know what God is or even what God thinks?  

     We don't know ANYTHING!

     We just think we are so smart...

     When the fact is... WE ARE CLUELESS!

Let’s start with the basic precept:  

        "We KNOW nothing... So far we have believed everything"

Now for the first time we can say we start our spiritual journey in truth. Because this is true...

The little that we do know to be FACT is so little, we may just as well say we know nothing.

 So as we start our spiritual journey from a place of honesty and truth, without arrogance but in humbleness, a little prayer is in order.

We now call on our Creator and God to take our hand and guide us along this journey of discovery. To help us see clearly, to help us learn the higher truths, to teach us to think for ourselves, to use our God given talents for good. We ask God through his infinite network of Spirit and Angel to help us and guide us along this journey of discovery, so it will benefit us to the highest good and that we may learn the higher truths as God wishes to reveal them to us. We give thanks for this opportunity to see clearly once again. So be it.

God is infinity.  Infinity is WAY beyond finite numbers.  GOD IS THE CREATOR of THIS UNIVERSE. Do we have any idea of how HUMONGOUS His creation is?  Let’s try and imagine INFINITY if we can... It is impossible to even guess but try and get a sense of infinity. It baffles the mind...

In this framework, we can truly see how small we really are when we think of our whole selves as this physical body. Of course there is MUCH more to us than just a physical body but that is a discourse for another day. Today we want to get an idea of just how tiny we humans are and yet we dare to have these enormous ego's.

We think we know God. We have the audacity to assign HUMAN attributes to our glorious Creator, like "anger", "jealousy", "hatred" and even what we insignificant humans think of or understand as "Love".  

Here we are, specs of dust, on a spec of dust, in this awesome creation of God’s and we BELIEVE we know God, we BELIEVE it is our right to assign ANY attribute to such an awesome Creator. It is laughable when we think about it...

 Even if an angel appeared to us right now before our very eyes and rold us that GOD SO VERY DEARLY LOVES US, we would have no comprehension of how much. We cannot understand such Love because our minds are so limited. It is not possible to comprehend Love from the Creator. Just think of it this way. We are a speck of dust, living on a microscopic speck of dust in this galaxy. Our galaxy in turn is not even a speck of dust in the whole of Creation. BUT.... GOD, ALL-THAT-IS loves us so very much that God assigned billions of angels just to our little planet. They Care for us, Love us, Guide us and Protect us.  

Try as hard as we can to understand this kind of LOVE and even if we grasp a speck of this HUGE LOVE, we will be overwhelmed. Now we mustn’t think we are elite or special because God has this kind of Love for all His Creation. This kind of Love in these awesome immeasurable magnitudes extends to every star system in Creation, to every living creature and every speck of dust. Every star has planets revolving around it. 

Doesn't this just humble you standing in the presence of such Love?

Especially knowing that this Love extends to each and every one of us and that WE each mean so much to God.

WE have been chosen to be here on earth at this time as part of God's plan.  WE have a responsibility here.  

Can WE afford to spend the next 10 or 40 years running around on this planet stuck in chaos, wasting precious time? Let’s try to get a feeling of how much we mean to God and what it is we are here on earth to do. So much Love... It is time to open our eyes to a higher reality of what God is and step into our responsibilities. We need to start doing what it is we came here to do. 

Our understanding of the Universe has changed vastly over the last 400 years. The Earth is no longer regarded as the center of the Universe. Now we know that we are like "suburban residents" of the Milky Way, situated well away from the center of the galaxy. Our solar system is about 30,000 light years  (15,136,000,000,000 miles TIMES 30,000) out from the galactic center and orbits around it at a speed of 400 miles per second. The astronomer Harlow Shapley, in the 1920s, was the first to realize that we are not at the center of the Milky Way.

Containing over 100 billion stars and different types of interstellar gas and dust, the "body" of our galaxy is shaped like a great disc 300 light years thick and 100,000 light years across. It is a spiral galaxy, and our Sun is about two thirds of the way out from the center along one of the spiral arms. Humans like to think they are important; but in the vastness of the Milky Way, our Earth is like a grain of sand on the beach - and the Milky Way is only one of millions of galaxies wheeling through space!

The galaxy is slowly rotating: our Sun takes about 250 million years to do one orbit of the galactic center. Hence our solar system must have made only 20 or so orbits around the Milky Way since the Sun began to shine about 5 billion years ago, as scientists speculate. 

The mass of our Sun is 745 times the combined mass of all the planets in our solar system! The Sun's mass is about 333,000 times that of the Earth. In fact, it contains about 99.8% of all the matter in this Solar System. Even so, the Sun is quite an "ordinary" yellow star; there are many stars larger, many smaller; many brighter and many fainter. It would take about 340 Earths placed side by side to encircle the Sun, and about 1,290,000 Earths packed tightly to make up its volume.  

The Sun is the nearest star to us, about 93.75 million miles from Earth. Light from the Sun takes about 8 minutes to reach us. The next nearest bright star, Alpha Centauri (the Outer Pointer of the Southern Cross) is 4.3 light-years away; that's about 40 million million km ! The Sun is now in "middle age": it is about 4,600 million years old. Scientists expect it to last another 4,000 to 5,000 million years. In the later stages of its life it will cool and swell to become a red giant star, engulfing the planets Mercury, Venus and Earth. Then it will shrink to become a white dwarf star, gradually cooling and fading until it disappears from view.

This is not Astronomy 101.  I’m just trying to help us PLACE THINGS IN PERSPECTIVE. It helps us to get somewhat of an understanding of how tiny we really are. Yet we must have the BIGGEST EGO's in the universe. I wonder if "ARROGANCE" is the one word description assigned to humanity by our creator? I hope this information helps to bring down our "attitude" a notch or two and that we can now go and stand before God, our Creator in HUMBLENESS and thank God for Loving us so dearly, even if we cannot understand His infinite love or sometimes "feel" it. It is TRUE nonetheless, as we are so dearly LOVED.

 During the upcoming week, we should wrap our minds around the awesomeness of God and embrace God into our Lives. Let’s OPEN our Hearts and our minds to God's magnificent glory. God's creation is so far beyond our comprehension. Anything IS indeed possible on our spec of dust called earth. Just look around us...


1) Take these messages very serious. Each one will build on the last.  We are going forward on our spiritual journey step by step.

2) Try to ABSORB the information into every cell of your being. "Feel" and "experience" God's unbelievable creation. Open your Heart and allow God to touch you. Let God melt down the pain and the struggle and the anger in your Heart. Let God in. Ask for help from God and his Angels to feed you with His Divine LOVE.

3) Try to ingrain God's awesomeness into your mind so that you will NEVER EVER forget how glorious God is and how tiny your physical body really is. You have no place in your life for things such as:  greed, hatred, cheating, anger, mistrust, negativity of ANY kind, people who do not support your Spiritual growth... you can fill in the rest of the list yourself.

4) Tonight, before you go to bed, go stand outside ALONE.  Go out there in the dark and SEE the stars. Really SEE them for the first time in your life. As you stand there looking up at the stars for 5 minutes, reflect on what you have heard or read here today. See who you are and where you fit into this glorious Creation. Now pick one star and imagine yourself on a tiny planet next to that star. Of course you cannot see the planets, but for a few seconds think of yourself as a tiny speck of almost nothingness on that invisible planet. That tiny speck is YOU. You might want to reflect on who you are. What is it you (of that size) has come to do on this planet? What is your purpose? Why does God Love YOU so much that YOU were picked to be here at this time? What does God have in mind for YOU?

5) Why not ask God to reveal these things to you during this wondrous journey we are walking together. Ask God to speak to YOU by touching your Heart. Open your Heart and FEEL God's incredible Love for you. It is not easy at first but every time you try, you open up just a little more and can feel a little more.

6) If you have 7 clear sky nights, how fortunate you are. Go out and ENJOY this little assignment every night. Doing it once is not enough. Do it as often as you can. DO it every night for the rest of your Life if you can. God is so wonderfully glorious and the more you open up to God's wonders, the more wonderful YOUR life will become.

7) Now go and enjoy God and Creation... Have fun... Remember when we talked about Joy in life. One of our very tasks in Creation is to experience JOY. For God experiences Creation through us and through every bit of Creation. When WE FEEL JOY, When we revel in the glorious beauty of Creation, GOD EXPERIENCES THIS JOY THROUGH US. So the more JOY we feel in our life, the more joy we give to GOD.

I wish all of us well in our week ahead. May our Creator bless us richly and may we be guided that we will go out often in the evenings when the stars are visible and talk to God, receive His wondrous love and experience much joy. 

May God bless us with great insight and growth during the days to come.

Reverend Sharra